Abbie Finlinson Recognized as an Outstanding Employee at Wilson Elementary

Submitted by bj.wright on
     At a recent Wilson Elementary faculty meeting Abbie Finlinson, the school secretary, was presented with the Outstanding Employee Award. Mrs. Finlinson is always working hard behind the scenes to keep the school running smoothly.  It was a great opportunity for others in the school to show their appreciation for the hard work Mrs. Finlinson puts in to make Wilson the great place it is!  

Wilson School “Lion’s Roar” Challenge

Submitted by bj.wright on
This year Wilson School students have been participating in the “Lion’s Roar” challenge. Students are able to earn three different awards by completing a number of tasks in four different categories: Academic, Citizenship, Personal, and Participation. The awards given at 10 completed tasks (Lion Cub Award), 20 completed tasks (Lion Mane Award), and 35+ tasks (Lion Pride Award). Many students have received these awards, and in a recent assembly the first Lion Pride Awards were handed out. Congratulations to all the students who were recognized for their achievements!

Wilson School Crystal Apple goes to Vicki Lyons

Submitted by bj.wright on

Who do our kids turn to when things are not right? Who is always there to
help through the tough situations that happen in some students lives? Who
is always willing to help any teacher in any way she can? Vicki Lyons -
that's who!

Sending a note to a loved one in heaven on a balloon, helping a child know
how to make friends, being DoSo the dolphin or helping overcome a child's
fears are just a few of the things that our school counselor does.