What’s the Story Behind That Scar?

Submitted by bj.wright on

Take a walk down the fourth-grade hall at Wilson Elementary, and you’ll feel like your walking through a maze of paper zombies. This is all part of a writing project where students relate a story behind a scar they have somewhere on their bodies. As you can imagine the students have been very excited to include every gory detail.  This gives students something real to write about, making the writing experience very personal!

Wilson School named Sam's Club "School of the Year"

Submitted by bj.wright on

Wilson Elementary School was honored as “School of the Year” by Sam’s Club at a recent faculty meeting. Sam’s Club donates over 4 million dollars to schools across the United States every year. At Wilson Elementary Sam’s Club provided each teacher a gift bag filled with various school supplies, and each student a small treat. Sam’s club also donated ten $100 gift cards to help teachers purchase supplies for their classrooms.

Speedy Sixth-grade Students at Wilson Elementary

Submitted by bj.wright on

Pictured are the winners of the combination lock race held by Ms. Vicki Lyons. Ms. Lyons has been working with the sixth-grade studnets to make a smooth transistion into seventh-grade. One way in which she has been helping, is getting the students comfortable opening locks similar to what will be on their lockers next year. The top three lock openers are : Suzie Macfarlane, Kaitlyn Stott, and Kade Morrison.


Sixth-grade Students Complete N.O.V.A. Program

Submitted by bj.wright on

For 12 weeks Officer Russ Woodland has been visiting the sixth-grade students at Wilson Elementary teaching them the lessons of the N.O.V.A. program. This program teaches students to study the situation (STS) and make wise lifetime decisions. At their graduation ceremony several students won a stuffed animal, the N.O.V.A. mascot, Polaris. Pictured is Michelle Bobo (center) who won one of the mascots. To the left is Sarah Murphy, and right is Suzie Macfarlane.  

Wilson School Invites All to a 50th Birthday Celebration

Submitted by bj.wright on
Come celebrate the Wilson’s 50th Birthday with us on Friday, May 14, 2010. From 3:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. there will be a carnival sponsored by the PTA. There will be inflatable slides, food, and lots of other fun activities. In honor of the 50th year, all tickets will cost 50 cents.  This will take place on the north side of Wilson School.  That evening from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.