Wilson Students Decorate Tree at Zions Bank

Submitted by bj.wright on

We made decorations for the Christmas tree at Zion’s bank. First we made little glass balls with paint I them. Then we made gingerbread men in art class. Then we wrapped toilet paper rolls and tied string to them. On Friday, Dec. 3rd, we went to Zion’s bank and sang the song I Believe. When we were done singing we had cookies.

By Albie Holt


Wilson Third-grade is Learns About Different Holiday Celebrations.

Submitted by bj.wright on

We have been learning about other countries and how they celebrate Christmas. We learned about Egypt from Mr. Byington. When girls get married they wear very heavy bridal clothes. They use hieroglyphic writing. They drive really crazy. If they stick their arm out the window, it may get smashed by another car.

By Christoffer Linville