Wilson Elementary Gives Back while offering family fun!!

Submitted by bj.wright on

Wilson Elementary and Wilson PTA have teamed up to give back to students in need at their school this Christmas Season.  They are sponsoring the first ever “Wilson Tree of Giving”.    And they are inviting the community of Payson to come along.

“We usually all see or know someone in need during the Christmas season” say’s Jennie, a PTA member at Wilson “But with the sluggish economy, the need is greater than ever before”  

Wilson Sixth-grade Fun Run

Submitted by bj.wright on

The sixth grade students at Wilson Elementary school have been practicing the mile run since August. Recently all the sixth grade students participated in a mile long Fun Run during school. The Top three boys and Top three girls received a medal, and all students who participated received a small prize.

Girls:  First Place - Beverly Dumas, Second Place - Selena Marquardson, Third place - Yaretzy Garcia

Boys:  First Place – Chayce Loveless, Second Place –Elijah Spanheimer, Third place – Josue Zavala

Wilson 4th Grade Visits our State Capitol

Submitted by bj.wright on

The 4th grade students at Wilson Elementary got a special treat this year, a field trip to our State Capitol.  The field trip was arranged and hosted by our legislative representative Patrick Painter and was a fun educational and experience for the students, teachers and parent helpers who attended.  The children were able to learn the process of presenting a bill and passing laws while sitting in the seats of the House of Representatives!  Next was a tour of the capitol building where the kids learned the history of the building as well as changes made since the re-mod

Veterans' Day at Wilson Elementary

Submitted by bj.wright on

Students at Wilson Elementary celebrated the service of our Veterans in many different ways on Veterans' Day. Second-grade students celebrated by making festive wreaths and talking about the important things Veterans have done to keep our country free.  Pictured are Brindyn Johnson, Soledad Vera, Ryan Penrod, and Kamdyn Penrod showing off their red, white and blue wreaths.

Trapnell Orthodontics Visits Wilson Elementary

Submitted by bj.wright on

During a recent assembly Dr. Trapnell and several of his employees educated Wilson students on the importance of proper oral hygiene.  Students learned that healthy teeth don’t just give you a good looking smile, but help you speak clearly as well.  The students enjoyed several demonstrations; at the end of the demonstration students were asked questions. Three students won a sonicare toothbrush. The rest of the students received a toothbrush and toothpaste to help them remember to take care of their teeth.  The faculty and students wish to than Dr.