Here’s the SCOOP, we are so grateful for Mrs. Bills!

Submitted by melissa.jorgensen on

We are so thankful to have Mrs. Bills as our principal. She works so hard to make sure that everyone feels special. She spends so much time helping and supporting teachers, staff, and students.

We celebrated her today with several ice cream scoop notes, in fact so many we couldn’t fit them all in the cone.

The faculty also provided an ice cream sundae bar during lunch!

We love you, Mrs. Bills! 

Our Secretaries are "Spud-Tastic"

Submitted by melissa.jorgensen on

We are so lucky to have such amazing secretaries, Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Madsen here at Wilson Elementary. Each day they keep our school running and running smoothly. All students wrote notes and drew pictures and then at lunch time, the staff provided a potato bar for everyone to enjoy in support of our wonderful secretaries. Thank you ladies for all that you do for the students, staff, parents, and the Wilson community. You are the best!