September 2023

Reflections Entries

Submitted by melissa.jorgensen on

The 2023-2024 Reflections theme is "I am hopeful because....." The projects completed should reflect this theme. We would love to see a lot of students participate this year. Entries are due by October 9th.  Entries can be submitted online by following the link below or you can reach out to our parent representative by email at kelcidawn [at]

We can't wait to see all of this years entries!

TitleVI Native American Traveling Museum visits Fourth Grade

Submitted by melissa.jorgensen on

This week the 4th graders at Wilson Elementary were visited by the Title VI Native American traveling Museum. Our 4th graders learned that many words we use come from Native Americans, including hammock, Utah, and Toole. They also learned that many foods we eat came from Native Americans, including the coco bean and squash. Students enjoyed learning some hand signs to the song "Children of Many Colors". Thanks to our Title IX Coordinators for coming to our school and teaching us so much! 

Title VI

Term 1 SEP Conferences

Submitted by melissa.jorgensen on

We will be holding our FIRST SEP Conference at Wilson Elementary during mid-term. The conferences will be held on Thursday, September 21st. We would love for ALL parents to please sign up for a time to meet with your child's  teacher to discuss student progress and goals. Kindergarten SEP Conferences will be held at a later date.

ACC: Ms. Robbins Sign Up Click HERE