March 2018

Nebo School District Lagoon Day!

Submitted by breanna.partridge on

For the 2018 season, Lagoon will be introducing the “Summer Fever Fundraiser”. We are hoping to seize the excitement for summer by giving students and families a jump starts on Summer Fun at Lagoon. The Summer Fever Fundraiser will offer an exclusive discount to Utah School Families, and the Education Foundations will reap the benefits. Details are listed below:

Habit 5 Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood

Submitted by breanna.partridge on

Our 7 Habits focus for March is #5: “Seek First to Understand and Then to Be Understood.” These students listen before they talk. They: * Listen to other people’s ideas and feelings * Try to see things from the other person’s viewpoints * Listen to others without interrupting * Are confident in voicing their ideas * Look people in the eyes when talking * 

Pawkemon Winner March 21

Submitted by breanna.partridge on

This week's Pawkemon Winner is Alex Risenmay, way to go Lion! He found the pawkemon in the 4th-grade hallway by Mrs. Prior's room. Keep up the great observation skills Wilson!

Mr. Rawlings

March SEP Conferences

Submitted by breanna.partridge on

Thursday, March 15th, from 3:00-9:00pm, is Teacher Conferences night! We are looking forward to talking with you about your child, celebrating their accomplishments, and making goals to help them progress. Please sign up for a time to meet with your child's teacher. We can't wait to see you!