Kindergarten KEEP Assessment

Submitted by melissa.jorgensen on

We are so excited to welcome our new Kindergarten students to school this year. Before we can place Kindergarten students in classes, the KEEP assessment will need to be completed by the kindergartener, in person with our Kindergarten teachers before August 17th, 2022. We will be holding assessments on August 15th and 16th. A parent will need to accompany them at this assessment. The assessment will take approximately 30 minutes. 

Please sign up by clicking, HERE

Registration Reminder

Submitted by melissa.jorgensen on

We would love to get ALL students registered for this upcoming school year!  Please take a minute and complete this registration on Infinite Campus or stop in the school today and tomorrow from 9:00-3:00 pm. If you have students that will be here at Wilson next year, please get them registered so we can make sure we have the correct about of teachers and staff. Thank you!

Student Registration

Submitted by melissa.jorgensen on

Just a Reminder that registration for the 2022-2023 is happening NOW for all families that are currently enrolled in Nebo School District as well as those that are new to Nebo, including Kindergarten students. We need all families to register so we can get an accurate count for teachers and staff. 

Please log into your Infinite Campus Parent Portal to complete your annual registration and to add any children attending for the first time in 2022-2023. 

Leadership Day

Submitted by melissa.jorgensen on

We had our Leadership Day and it was a lot of fun! We were able to provide students and families with opportunities to engage in different activities. Thank you to all the staff for your help and to the parents and families for participating! 

Extra Snack Packs Available

Submitted by melissa.jorgensen on

Hello Wilson Families,

We hope your summer is getting off to a great start!

We have available extra snack packs if you would like to come and get some summer snacks.  These will be available today (Monday), Tuesday and Wednesday.  They will be at the outside lunchroom entrance starting at 10:00 am.  When they are gone, they are gone, they will not be replaced or come anymore this summer. 

Thanks so much!

Wilson Elementary