Safety Week at Wilson Elementary

Submitted by bj.wright on

     The PTA sponsored safety week at Wilson Elementary. A lot of time and effort was put into reminding the students to be safe. Students created posters that were hung around the school. On Wednesday of safety week it was walk-to-school day. Students were greeted by local police officers, Payson High Cheerleaders, and several student athletes from BYU. Thank you Wilson PTA for all you do!

Dallin Poulsen, a Wilson School Hero

Submitted by bj.wright on

     Dallin Poulsen was presented an award recently for staying calm during an emergency. His mom, Shannon Poulsen, was injured and unable to call for help. Since his father was at work, Dallin quickly got to a phone called his dad to find out what to do. Shannon is now doing well, and avoided further complications because of Dallin’s quick thinking.

Wilson School 50 Cent Friday

Submitted by bj.wright on

     Did you know Wilson School is turning 50? The PTA wants to buy a new sound system as a birthday present for the school. To help raise funds the PTA is holding a small store every Friday after school. All items cost 50 cents. There are many things available to purchase: popcorn, treats, pencils, bouncy balls, wristbands and more! There is a spending limit each week of $2.00 per student.