Free Summer Meals

Submitted by melissa.jorgensen on

Nebo is partnering with the Utah Food Bank again this year to provide free summer meals in four of Nebo School District communities.


Kindergarten End of Year KEEP Assessment

Submitted by melissa.jorgensen on

All Kindergarten students will need to take an End of Year Assessment, the KEEP, after they finish Kindergarten. The screenings will be held on May 17th, May 20th, and May 21st. Please click on the link below to sign up with your students teacher. Thank you! 

Mrs. Terry's End of Year KEEP Assessment Sign up 

Mrs. Cram's End of Year KEEP Assessment Sign up

Term 3 SEP Conferences

Submitted by melissa.jorgensen on

We will be holding our THIRD and Final SEP Conference at Wilson Elementary. The conferences will be held on Thursday, March 21st. We would love for ALL parents to please sign up for a time to meet with your child's  teacher to discuss student progress and goals. The teachers will have a dinner break that evening from 5:00-5:45 PM. 

ACC: Ms. Robbins Sign Up Click HERE

Term 2 SEP Conferences (Parent Teacher Conferences)

Submitted by melissa.jorgensen on

We will be holding our SECOND SEP Conference at Wilson Elementary during mid-term. The conferences will be held on Thursday, January 18th. We would love for ALL parents to please sign up for a time to meet with your child's  teacher to discuss student progress and goals.

ACC: Ms. Robbins Sign Up Click HERE

Preschool: Mrs. White's Sign Up Coming Soon

PTA Family Night- A Story with Santa

Submitted by melissa.jorgensen on

We are so excited for our PTA Family Night- A Story with Santa from 5:00-6:00 PM

We look forward to having parents come with their student(s) for this fun evening! 

Miércoles, 13 de Diciembre

5:00 - 6:00

Una Historia con Santa

Unase a nosotros el 13 de Diciembre en Wilson, para una lectura especial de libros navideños con un invitado alegre y emocionante! 

Tome fotos y reciba un regalo.

Si puede traiga una lata de comida, que no esté caducada, para donarla al Banco de Alimentos de Utah.
